Tips to Keep the ‘Fitness Fire’ Going

Keeping to fitness plan can be difficult for so many reasons – there is boredom, losing motivation, feelings of monotony, wanting to sleep just that little bit extra; there are all the excuses that creep back and send you back to square one.

fitness fire

So what can one do to keep the fitness fires stoked? Personal trainer Jo Firman’s tips are-

  • Variety in the workout will help sustain interest and keep one motivated.  Vary kinds of exercises, the equipment used, where you exercise and the exercise methods.  This also helps in making gains – muscles adapt to exercises quickly and one will then stop seeing improvements, variety will keep you making improvements.
  • Reinforce the benefits of being outdoors; in fact the benefits of doing anything that involves being active.
  • Don’t get bound by a timetable or routine, this is a recipe for boredom. Rather work out anytime and anywhere; please yourself and understand that it is all of benefit to you.
  • Fix an event or goal that is to be worked towards. This helps keep motivation levels up.
  • Set aside a few hours for yourself each week so that you are able to prioritize your workouts.
  • Make it a social event – exercise with family, friends and so on.
  • Keep challenging yourself to go further, faster and longer!