Jennifer Aniston: The Mind and Body Workout Does Wonders

Jennifer Aniston is one of the celebrities that have been through a lot, and it looks like she has a secret that she doesn’t mind sharing with the rest of the world. It looks like she found a workout for her body and mind that changed her life.

Jennifer Aniston


In order to maintain her calm and sexy body she does yoga three times every week. In case you would like to achieve the same results, you should hold the positions for 30-60 seconds and after each pose you should perform two sets of 8-10 reps of paired calisthenics. The advantage of this routine is that you will be filled with energy and you will become calmer. It takes only a little time, of about 4 weeks to see the results of your efforts: you will become leaner and stronger.


In case besides calming down you would also like to burn a few calories, you should have 22 minutes of cardio before starting with yoga, just as the actress does. According to her the cardio helps her muscles to warm up. You should start with five minutes of warm-up, and then have a minute of high intensity exercise and two minutes of recovery, alternatively.

In case you feel like you have a lot of energy, you could also add some interval training. UsuallyAniston has this on the elliptical and she also has a run on the treadmill of 10-15 minutes and in the end, in order to catch her breath, her instructor leads her through different positions.

Butterfly pose

In case of this pose you need to sit on the floor with your feet flat, chest lifted and knees bent. Put the soles of your feet together and drop the knees to the sides. Then put your hands on your feet. The main point of the pose is to stretch, and you should be careful about the way you inhale and exhale. Make sure that you bend your hips as much as you can.

According to professionals, the fact that you open your hips makes you more receptive. Women are programmed to give, and so it is difficult for them to receive. The pose opens women up to be more receptive about all the good things that life has to offer.

As you can see you can only benefit if you follow the lead of Jennifer Aniston regarding her workout.