Fitness Advice From The Trainer Of The First Lady

The first lady of the United States is becoming an icon of elegance and fitness for many women in their forties.

The media has highlighted the wonderful figure of Michelle Obama especially when she uses those elegant dresses in important meetings.

Many women wonder how Michelle Obama maintains such a beautiful body figure given that she has two daughters and a full presidential agenda.

Michelle Obama’s personal trainer, McClellan, says that having a good-look is not difficult but it definitely requires some effort and discipline.Michelle Obama

McClellan says that a good body can be sculptured through a plan that includes strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular training.

McClellan says that Michelle always look gorgeous in such sleeveless dresses because all her workouts are focused on the whole body. These days, many women are more curious of the Mrs. Obama’s body secrets.

In this case, Obama starts working on her biceps and triceps with a 9 minute drill with a weighted bar. McClellan guides Obama to 5 rounds of lunges with dumbbells and 100 stairs for cardio. Of course, all this is followed by balanced diet.

Michelle Obama is a good example for all aged women who claim it is too difficult to work and exercise at the same time. McClellan works with Michelle 3 times a week and spends just 90 minutes in each workout.

This is worth to consider if you want to wear again those old jeans or that beautiful dress stored in your wardrobe. Following the example of America’s First Lady is a good idea.